Dark Moon Rising: Brave Space
1) Welcome multiple viewpoints. Speak from your own experience using "I" statements.
2) Own your intentions and your impacts. Respect each other's experiences and feelings by taking responsibility for the effects of your words. On the other side, if you have a strong reaction to something, let the group know. Be open to dialogue.
3) Work to recognize your privileges. Honor the differences we all bring to this space.
4) Take risks, lean into discomfort. Challenge yourself to contribute, even if it not perfectly formulated.
5) Step back. Share speaking time, and try to speak after others who have not spoken.
6) Actively listen. Use your energy to listen to what is said before thinking about how to respond. Notice when defensiveness and denial arise.
7) Challenging with care. Find ways to respectfully challenge other views and be open to challenges of your own views. Think about how to question ideas without personal attacks.
8) Confidentiality. Share the message, not the messenger.
9) Break it down. Use simple language and background information when necessary. Ask for clarification if needed.
© Raven Kaldera. Do not post or reprint without permission. cauldronfarm@hotmail.com