Dark Moon Rising: Workshops

Workshops for 2019

Sceening as a Spiritual Practice

Lord Percival

The core of spirituality and the core of sceening both involve reaching beyond oneself to that which is outside. The parallels and ways to draw each activity closer to the other will be explored in this class. Percival has had experience with mysticisms and spirituality from many different structured and unstructured paths and will help you craft experiences that suit your particular path.

Beating in Service

Lord Percival

Not always does the person doing the beating have to be the dominant in a relationship. Especially in ritual, cathartic or ecstatic circumstances. This class will explore ways to perform or provide this service. It will look at ways to focus it for oneself, another person, one’s target of worship, one’s sacrifice, or even to the pleasure and hunger of the gathered crowd. We will explore how to set expectations, useful mindsets, and how to push to reach or exceed the desired barriers without pushing or exceeding the abilities, limits, or health of the individuals involved.

Disassembling Barriers to Accountability, Conflict Resolution, and Healing

PecanSalad and Perry

In this talk, Pecan and Perry will examine how generations of the cycle of abuse, as well as assumptions of authoritarian power structures and privilege, have developed into a destructive, parasitic egregore with energetic tendrils that permeate every facet of conflict in our communities. We will discuss how these tendrils work to displace the needs of victims and silence the voices of those most likely to share pertinent wisdom with us. We’ll give voice to those vital perspectives, and consider how to take them into account as individuals, groups, and communities working to find solutions for accountability, conflict resolution, and healing. By giving voice to those perspectives, and taking them into account, we can begin to disassemble the energetic and social barriers put in place by this oppressive egregore.

Coping Skills as Magical Practice


As magical people, as persons who practice magic we are changing the world around us. One way we can change the world is to change how we interact with it. Our actions cause ripples, how we treat ourselves is one of the places we can start causing that change. Use coping skills to figure out where our resources are best spent. YOU ARE A RESOURCE. Developing coping skills expands our available resources. A lot of coping skills translate to the meta-physical/magical world and vise versa, one feeding the other.

The Original Meaning of Fetish

Raven Kaldera

What turns us on, and how can we work our spirituality into that? No matter how grubby your fantasies, there's a way to touch the spiritual energy in them, and work with that, and use it for a greater purpose. Let's share our fetishes and find out how we can do that together.

Facilitated Discussion on Restorative Justice, Boundaries, and Community

Ruth Addams and Kricket

Join us for a discussion about restorative justice, boundaries, and community. Bring your points of view, and your patience for others. We will be discussing what restorative justice means, why boundaries, (either as a person or a community) are important, and community building and healing. We may even have a past presenter or two joining us with their input!

Invisible Toybag


Magic, chi, ki, woo, vibes, all of these terms and more have been used to describe the quality called “energy.” In this class, we will learn techniques for manipulating energy, briefly discuss the ethics of energy play, and ways to incorporate energy into BDSM, for connection, play and intimacy.