Allena Gabosch
206-427-3333 (Executive Director) (Producer)
Area: Seattle, WA
Speaking Demographics:
- Colleges, specifically Human Sexuality classes, therapy students, and “Ask the Sexpert” panels
- Youth (ages 14-21), specifically on the LGBT spectrum and “at risk”
- Psychotherapists
- Senior Care Providers for the LGBT community
- “The Good, The Bad and The Poly: An honest and open discussion about Polyamory, from someone who has done it for 30+ years”
- “Happy
Endings: Breaking up... how to do it and stay friends”
“Poly Families: Creating conscious families within your poly world”
“Getting Your Flirt On: How to Flirt for fun, for the moment and for relationships”
“Beyond Polyamory: Jealousy and Compersion” - “Solo
Poly: Can you be single and poly or does that just mean
you're a slut?”
“Interactive and Decorative Play Piercing Workshop: A hands on piercing class where everyone gives and receives”
“Bottoms Rights and Responsibilities”
“Basic Negotiations and Etiquette for the Sex Positive Community”
“A New Sexual Renaissance: Creating Sex Positive Culture and bringing sex back into the BDSM Picture.”
“BDSM, Laughter and Making a Scene: Humor in BDSM play”
Can also tailor to specific requests (i.e. spoke as part of a panel on the topic of Hook Up Culture at a college).
Speaking Experience:
Allena Gabosch, Executive Director of the Center For Sex Positive Culture ( (formerly known as The Wet Spot ) has been active in the sex positive movement practically from its beginning; producing educational and social events for the sex-positive community since 1990. She is a frequent speaker on many sex-positive subjects at colleges and conferences around the US and Canada, with an emphasis on BDSM and Polyamory. She is the Producer of the Seattle Erotic Art Festival ( She is a past board member of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom ( In her less than mundane non-kinky life she loves good food, walking around Seattle and is working on several books. She is a former commissioner with the Seattle Commission for Sexual Minorities. She is a kinky bisexual, polyamorous switch and considers herself extremely blessed as she has a rich and full poly life, with many amazing and loving people in her "polycule".
- Part of a panel at the Western Washington Psychotherapists Convention called “Everything You Wanted To Know About Kink and Are Afraid to Ask”
- Yaught at numerous BDSM conferences in the US and Canada, primarily Leather Leadership & Southplains Leatherfest.
- Yaught at several polyamory conferences and the NW Bisexual Conference when it was held in Canada a few years ago.
- Teach at the Center for Sex Positive Culture (where I’m employed) regularly and for Babeland and Wild At Heart (2 local sex toy stores)
- Taught classes for Lambert House, our local LGBT youth drop-in and for The Service Board which is an organization that assists at-risk-youth in bettering their lives. The demographics for these groups are 14-21.
- Spoken about sexuality to Senior Care Providers for the LGBT community