Ms. Cynthia
Area: West Coast
Speaking Demographics:
- 12-step groups
- Colleges
- “Intro to BDSM”
- “Mom is Kinky” (aimed towards older children of kinksters and people in the college age range)
- “Spice Up Your Sex Life Tonight!” (aimed toward bored housewives)
- “Is Sadomasochism an Addiction?” (aimed towards 12-step groups)
Speaking Experience:
- Part of a panel at the Western Washington Psychotherapists Convention called “Everything You Wanted To Know About Kink and Are Afraid to Ask”
- Taught at numerous BDSM conferences in the US and Canada, primarily Leather Leadership & Southplains Leatherfest.
- Taught at several polyamory conferences and the NW Bisexual Conference when it was held in Canada a few years ago.
- Teach at the Center for Sex Positive Culture (where I’m employed) regularly and for Babeland and Wild At Heart (2 local sex toy stores)
- Taught classes for Lambert House, our local LGBT youth drop-in and for The Service Board which is an organization that assists at-risk-youth in bettering their lives. The demographics for these groups are 14-21.
- Spoken about sexuality to Senior Care Providers for the LGBT community